General knowledge of Chiriquí Province the state/province of Panama

Mostly asked questions about the province Chiriquí Province

What is the country of Chiriquí Province ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Chiriquí Province ?

How many cities are in the state Chiriquí Province ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Chiriquí Province ?

What are the name of cities of Chiriquí Province ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Chiriquí Province

First question is about the country which is Panama and PA is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Chiriquí Province there is only 110 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Chiriquí Province by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Chiriquí Province
Country Name flag of PA Panama
Country Code PA
Total States of Panama 13
Total Cities of State 110

All Cities of Chiriquí Province

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Alanje 8.39791000 -82.55947000
2 Algarrobos Arriba 8.51550000 -82.42263000
3 Alto Boquete 8.73458000 -82.43213000
4 Aserrío de Gariché 8.48257000 -82.79086000
5 Bajo Boquete 8.77058000 -82.43306000
6 Barrio Guadalupe 8.86482000 -82.56523000
7 Bágala 8.46399000 -82.52617000
8 Bijagual 8.51486000 -82.33361000
9 Boca Chica 8.21911000 -82.21592000
10 Boca del Monte 8.35296000 -82.11379000
11 Boquerón 8.50510000 -82.57025000
12 Boquete 8.78024000 -82.44136000
13 Breñón 8.62491000 -82.81277000
14 Bugaba 8.48255000 -82.61991000
15 Bugabita Arriba 8.52143000 -82.63638000
16 Cañas Gordas 8.74309000 -82.91275000
17 Caimito 8.54162000 -82.41900000
18 Caldera 8.64907000 -82.38058000
19 Celmira 8.54026000 -82.80022000
20 Cerro Punta 8.84968000 -82.57261000
21 Cerro Viejo 8.25349000 -81.57658000
22 Chiriquí 8.39291000 -82.31993000
23 Cochea Abajo 8.50512000 -82.35878000
24 Cordillera 8.70683000 -82.60327000
25 David 8.42729000 -82.43085000
26 Distrito de Alanje 8.39842000 -82.64065000
27 Distrito de Barú 8.29482000 -82.92726000
28 Distrito de Boquerón 8.61667000 -82.56667000
29 Distrito de Boquete 8.74896000 -82.36842000
30 Distrito de Bugaba 8.68786000 -82.67937000
31 Distrito de David 8.40000000 -82.40000000
32 Distrito de Dolega 8.61667000 -82.45000000
33 Distrito de Gualaca 8.57398000 -82.22207000
34 Distrito de Remedios 8.20253000 -81.81163000
35 Distrito de Renacimiento 8.71667000 -82.76667000
36 Distrito de San Félix 8.27768000 -81.87377000
37 Distrito de San Lorenzo 8.29366000 -82.08922000
38 Distrito de Tolé 8.19015000 -81.66007000
39 Divalá 8.41066000 -82.71332000
40 Dolega District 8.56667000 -82.41407000
41 El Nancito 8.23811000 -81.73218000
42 El Palmar 8.30098000 -82.85344000
43 El Porvenir 8.22919000 -81.83278000
44 El Tejar 8.42973000 -82.57294000
45 Finca Blanco 8.37979000 -82.87385000
46 Gómez 8.56085000 -82.74142000
47 Guabal 8.57466000 -82.53730000
48 Guaca Arriba 8.53733000 -82.49281000
49 Gualaca 8.53006000 -82.29959000
50 Guarumal 8.34523000 -82.53205000
51 Guayabal 8.62193000 -82.57935000
52 Horconcitos 8.31142000 -82.15102000
53 La Concepción 8.51212000 -82.61858000
54 La Esperanza 8.40344000 -82.79197000
55 La Estrella 8.51572000 -82.67212000
56 Lajas Adentro 8.24981000 -81.87779000
57 Lajas de Tolé 8.16994000 -81.69654000
58 Las Lajas 8.24184000 -81.86931000
59 Las Lomas 8.42927000 -82.38743000
60 Limones 8.10007000 -82.86679000
61 Los Algarrobos 8.49601000 -82.42417000
62 Los Anastacios 8.53027000 -82.42295000
63 Los Ángeles 8.52271000 -82.19997000
64 Los Naranjos 8.79210000 -82.44665000
65 Manaca Civil 8.32458000 -82.81570000
66 Manaca Norte 8.33419000 -82.81003000
67 Mata del Nance 8.45056000 -82.40057000
68 Monte Lirio 8.78935000 -82.82865000
69 Nuevo San Carlitos 8.45698000 -82.43712000
70 Paja de Sombrero 8.68335000 -82.31911000
71 Palmira 8.73401000 -82.45887000
72 Palmira Centro 8.73956000 -82.45228000
73 Paraíso 8.65842000 -82.58625000
74 Paso Canoas Arriba 8.56516000 -82.82214000
75 Pedregal 8.36586000 -82.43524000
76 Plaza de Caisán 8.73672000 -82.81968000
77 Potrerillos Abajo 8.63978000 -82.48560000
78 Potrerillos Arriba 8.68547000 -82.49090000
79 Progreso 8.44669000 -82.83859000
80 Pueblo Viejo 8.25081000 -81.66259000
81 Puerto Armuelles 8.27775000 -82.86206000
82 Punta de Burica 8.03333000 -82.86667000
83 Quebrada de Piedra 8.09418000 -81.67915000
84 Querévalo 8.37174000 -82.52670000
85 Quinteño 8.47102000 -82.39352000
86 Río Sereno 8.81741000 -82.85731000
87 Remedios 8.22436000 -81.82747000
88 Rincón 8.46374000 -82.27951000
89 Rovira Arriba 8.63822000 -82.49965000
90 San Andrés 8.60260000 -82.72588000
91 San Carlos 8.51663000 -82.50906000
92 San Félix 8.29063000 -81.86702000
93 San Isidro 8.53032000 -82.82720000
94 San Lorenzo 8.30561000 -82.10114000
95 San Pablo Nuevo Abajo 8.42558000 -82.50173000
96 San Pablo Viejo Abajo 8.45339000 -82.50179000
97 Santa Clara 8.83376000 -82.77945000
98 Santa Cruz 8.23219000 -81.91323000
99 Santa Marta 8.51406000 -82.69870000
100 Santa Rosa 8.59958000 -82.68489000
101 Santo Domingo 8.50803000 -82.71295000
102 Santo Tomás 8.38959000 -82.65058000
103 Sioguí Abajo 8.48678000 -82.66539000
104 Sioguí Arriba 8.53865000 -82.68619000
105 Sortova 8.54642000 -82.65170000
106 Tijeras 8.47514000 -82.56058000
107 Tinajas 8.55281000 -82.45963000
108 Tolé 8.23989000 -81.67168000
109 Veladero 8.23136000 -81.65417000
110 Volcán 8.77291000 -82.63823000